Demography 260

Professor Kenneth W. Wachter

Spring Semester 2011, U.C. Berkeley

Demography 260: Special Topics: Advances

Decompositions; Hazard Functions; Genome Demography
Population Renewal; Stochastic Forecasting

Provisionally Tuesdays 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.

Seminar Room, 2232 Piedmont Avenue

(Updated 20 January 2011 )


Week I 18 Jan A Organization of the Course
B Demographic Decompositions
The Horiuchi-Wilmoth-Pletcher Decomposition
Introduction to Hazard Functions
Week II 25 Jan A Frailty Selection; Correlated Frailty
B Readings: Wilmoth et al. (2010)
Week III 1 Mar A Random Walks; Lee-Carter Models
B Reading on stochastic forecasting
Week IV 8 Feb A CAL, Gaps and Lags, Quantum and Tempo
B Reading: The CAL Identity
Week V 15 Feb A Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
B Reading: Zeng Yi et al.
Week VI 22 Feb A Manhattan Plots and GWAS
B Reading on applications of GWAS
Week VII 1 Feb A Population Renewal and Momentum
B Reading: Espenshade and Levin
Week VIII 8 Mar A Bayesian Forecasting
B Reading: Girosi et al.

``Fiat Lux''

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