Demography 260

Professor Kenneth W. Wachter

Spring Semester 2010, U.C. Berkeley

Demography 260: Special Topics: New Methods

Location; Migration; Inequality; Family
Experiments; Simulations; Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Tuesdays 1:30 to 4:40 P.M. with break for tea.

Seminar Room, 2232 Piedmont Avenue

(Updated Thursday, 28 January 2010 at 14:00)

                            Tentative Syllabus

    I  --   20 Jan -- A --   Organization of the Course  

                      B --   Spatial Demography 
                             Population Density and Urbanization 
                             The Rank-Size Law  

   II  --   26 Jan  -- A --  Random Walks and Cartograms 

                    -- B --  Experimental Economic Demography

  III  --   2 Feb   -- A --  Cartograms and Principles of GIS 

                       B --  Experiments on Family Dynamics  

  IV   --   9 Feb  -- A --  Polygons and Distance Metrics 
                       B --  Household and Family Classification          

   V   --   16 Feb  -- A --  Inequality, Disparity, Dissimilarity 
                    -- B --  Concentration and Separation  
   VI  --   23 Feb  -- A --  Gravity Models 
                       B --  Agent-Based Spatial Models

   VII --    2 Mar  -- A --  The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm  

                       B --  Microsimulation 

 VIII  --   9 Mar  -- A --  Bayesian Melding  
                       B --  Measuring Uncertainty                    

``Fiat Lux''

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