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Ken Wachter - Demography 296

Spring 2009

Demography 296 is a Research Seminar for graduate students in demography and related fields who have passed their Preliminary Examinations. In Spring 2009, the content of Demography 296 will be merged with the content of Demography 293, a seminar in current demographic literature.

Demography 296 is scheduled to meet from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 M on Wednesdays in the Demography Seminar Room in 2232 Piedmont Avenue before the Brown Bag lecture series. Times may be adjusted when the semester begins.

In the early meetings, each student will propose two papers in his or her area of interest published in major journals over the last five years. We shall make a selection of papers, and we shall analyze and discuss them in detail, bringing us up to date with work in these fields.

In later meetings, each student will present an abstract and draft of a thesis proposal, developing a topic for research. These proposals will be discussed by the seminar members in order to provide feedback for refining dissertation plans.

A password-protected secure website for Demography 296 will be established.

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