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Ken Wachter - Demography 110

Fall Semester 2012

Professor Wachter will be teaching Demography 110 during the fall semester 2012. Demography 110 is an introductory course in demographic methods. It teaches how social scientists measure population growth, mortality, fertility, marriage, and age structure. It aims to develop skills for thinking systematically about population problems in our country and the world.

Demography 110 will meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 in Wheeler Hall 110. More advanced topics along with computer exercises are covered in Demography 210, a graduate-level course open to undergraduates. It will meets on Wednesdays from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. in Evans Hall 55.

By clicking, you can bring up the syllabus in html format, and a description of the course.

If you find yourself on the waiting list, you can have high confidence that you will end up being able to enroll. Every year for the past 30 years we have been able to include every student who wished to take the course. Because the problem sets are an essential element of the course, auditing is not permitted except in special circumstances.

The textbook, "Essential Demographic Methods". is available for purchase from Copy Central, 2560 Bancroft Way, Berkeley.

A password-protected secure website for Demography 110 will be established. Instructions for accessing this website will be given in class. The website includes helpful supplements, weekly assignments, worked examples, practice exercises, and other information.

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