Week I, 18 January - Introduction: Population and Policy
Week II, 25 January - World Trends
“World Population - More Than Just Numbers”, Population Reference
Bureau, Washington, D.C.
John Bongaarts and Rodolfo Bulatao, Editors (2000) Beyond Six Billion National Academies Press, Executive Summary” and Introduction”,
pages 1-36.
Week III, 1 February - Growing Up Global
Cynthia Lloyd, Editor (2005),
Growing Up Global, National Academies Press, “Key Elements” pages 36-52;
selections on gender issues, pages 113-117, 139-141,
and 202-213; selected boxed highlights.
Week IV, 8 February - Environmental Challenges
Board on Sustainable Development (1999)
Our Common Journey: A Transition to Sustainability National Academies Press, “Environmental Threats and
Opportunities”, pages 7-8; “Integrating Knowledge and Action”,
pages 11-15.
Lester R. Brown (2004)
Outgrowing the Earth W.W. Norton, New York, Chapter 1, “Pushing Beyond Earth's Limits”,
pages 1-21.
Joel Cohen (1995) How Many People Can the Earth Support? W.W. Norton, Chapter 16, “Human Carrying Capacity”, pages 356-364.
Further Reading: Lester Brown (2004), Chapter 10, “Redefining Security”, pages 177-194;
Joel Cohen (1995) selections from Chapter 14, “Water, A Case Study
of Natural Constraints”, pages 319-328.
Week V, 15 February - Human Rights Demography
Charles Keely, Holly Reed, and Ronald Waldman (2001)
“Understanding Mortality Patterns in Complex Humanitarian
Emergencies”, in Holly Reed and Charles Keely, Editors (2001) Forced Migration and MortalityNational Academies Press, Chapter 1, pages 1 -33.
Jack Donnelly (2002)
Universal Human Rights, in Theory and Practice,Cornell University Press, selections.
Week VI, 22 February - Numbering Victims
Gilbert Burnham, Riyadh Lafta, Shannon Doocy, and Les Roberts (2006)
“Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq”, The Lancet DOI:10.1016, 69491-69499, 11 October 2006.
J Hagan and Alberto Palloni (2006) “Death in Darfur”, Science 313: 1578-1579.
Discussion of Burnham et al.: Science 314:396-397 and 314:1241.
Week VII, 1 March - To Live Forever?
Kenneth Wachter and Caleb Finch, Editors (1997)
Between Zeus and the Salmon,National Academies Press, “Introduction”, pages 1 - 10.
Michio Kaku (1997)
Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century”, Anchor-Doubleday, Chapter 10, “To Live Forever”, pages 200-219.
Week VIII, 8 March - Poverty and Human Capital
Mark Montgomery and Holly Reed, Editors (2003)
Cities TransformedNational Academies Press, Chapter V, “Diversity and Inequality”,
pages 155-198.
Mark Montgomery and Holly Reed, Editors (2003)
Cities Transformed,National Academies Press, “The Demographic Transition”, pages 11 - 26,
and “Urban Governance”, pages 378-406.
Week X, 22 March - HIV and its Family Impacts
Victoria Hosegood and Ian Timaeus (2006)
“HIV/AIDS and Older People in South Africa”, in
Barney Cohen and Jane Menken, Editors (2006) Aging in Africa, National Academies Press.
Week XI, 5 April - The Old Among the Young
F. Thomas Juster, Editor (2001)
Preparing for an Aging World, National Academies Press, Chapter 2, “Our Aging World”, pages 30-46,
Chapter 5, “Intergenerational Transfers”, pages 162-171, 180-187.
Week XII, 12 April - Flows of People
John Bongaarts and Rodolfo Bulatao, Editors (2000)
Beyond Six BillionNational Academies Press, Chapter 6, “International Migration”
pages 156-186. Week XIII, 19 April - Climate and Habitat
Ralph Cicerone et al. (2001)
Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions,National Academies Press, pages 1 - 6.
Joel Cohen (1995)
How Many People Can the Earth Support?W.W. Norton, Chapter 18, “Looking Beyond the Next Hill”,
pages 380-398.
Week XIV, 26 April - Class Presentations
Research Paper Benchmarks
Week V, February 15, one-page statement of topic.
Week VI, February 22, one page about questions to be answered.
Week IX, March 15, literature review.
Week X, March 22, three to five pages on research plan.