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Browse more than 100 PRB publications by topic, language, and world region—a sampling of recent data sheets, policy briefs, Population Bulletins, and special reports—including many publications that have been translated into Arabic, French, and Spanish.
For a quick glance at all the publications in this CD-ROM, click on Browse by Topic: English.
These publications—and much more content including a Graphics Bank, DataFinder, webcasts and audiocasts, and blogs—are on PRB’s website, Also sign up to receive PRB E-mail Alerts about new publications and programs.
If you would like printed copies of the publications on this CD-ROM, please use PRB’s online bookstore to place your order (publications are free to developing-country audiences). Or send an e-mail to:
Population Reference Bureau
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 520 | Washington, DC 20009
Tel.: 202-483-1100 | Fax: 202-328-3937 |
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